Fringe Arts Bath : 23 May - 7 June 2025

#FaB18 Curators blog

What might these "Normal Papers" be?


Normal papers aspires to be an exhibition of papers not originally intended to be works of art.

Important: Applications are welcome from anyone- you do not have to be an artist to apply for this exhibition. If you're not sure... apply anyway!

The pieces submitted could be any of the following:

  • To-do lists.
  • Visual plans (eg. on the back of an envelope).
  • How I explain with pictures/ diagrams.
  • Doodles and incidental mark making.
  • Shopping lists.
  • Notes left to others in the house.
  •  Lists written for others.
  •  Something else that seems somehow to fit in.

This exhibition invites its audience to look more closely at incidental mark making of doodles, the simple beauty of a to-do list, colour coding, setting out of information, work plans on the back of an envelope etc, in order to appreciate their unassuming simplicity and visual qualities.

Submit your images of your to-do lists, working plans and visual problem solving, diagrams and doodles, whether on scrap paper, the back of an envelope, in chalk on the ground, or on a 3D object.

The work presented could include the original object (2D or 3D) or a photograph of the object, (please specify in application).

To apply: email