FaB Festival 24 May - 8 June 2024
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BIDDY - performance

  • Outside, around town Bath, UK United Kingdom (map)

BIDDY is a performance event curated by Clare Carswell and Peta Lloyd showcasing works by experienced women performance artists over the age of fifty.

The performances will highlight a broad range of issues including the changing body and physical appearance, the need to maintain and test endurance and strength, the ability to motivate and empower others and ideas related to the close and playful nature of women’s friendships.

We will challenge the stereotype of the BIDDY and derogatory descriptions of older women through celebrating the voices and visibility of the artists and promoting positive images of skilled, talented and fabulous older women.

Participating Artists:

Alexandra Holownia, Annie Rapstoff, Clare Carswell, Denise Bryan, Diana Milstein, Gen Doy, Jenny Wylie, Lisa Wooding, Peta Lloyd, VORTESSA (Helena Vortex and Giovanna Maria Casetta)

Visit www.fringeartsbath.co.uk/biddy for full Artist, Curator and event info.

Earlier Event: May 28
Performing Fluxus - Saturday
Later Event: May 28
BIDDY - performance evening