Fringe Arts Bath : 23 May - 7 June 2025

FaB Blog

Bath's Flippin' Pancake Race team confirmations (so far*)

We are proud to confirm a number of teams (more to follow) who will be bravely picking up their pans, tying their running shoes on tight and taking on the pancake flippin' challenge:

Look what we just found: the tallest flip from 2013's race. Councillor Andrew Furse will be back this year with the Mayor's TeamBath Roller Derby All Star Tossers: Hell Cat, Mad Math, Judge Gledd, Kid Dynamite. Reserve runner: Ali V

Stag Web: Ashley Vardon, Rosie Lithgoe, Jamie Parlous, Emma Coates. Reserve runner: Kye Harman

Future Publishing's Bat-ter The Future (Part 2): Richard Jones, Dan Slinky, Chris Hawes, Vini Holden. Reserve runner: Doc Brown

The Queensbury Hotel's Olive Tree Flippers: Kasia Kotarska, Carl Cleghorn, Joel Breakwell-Barber, Gareth Oakes. Reserve runner: Chris Cleghorn

The Mayor's Team: Councillor Andrew Furse, Councillor Dine Romero, Councillor Cherry Beath, Me-Ling Chou Furse. Reserve runner: Elizabeth Mence

44AD Artsoace: Katie, Niall, Derby, Remi. Reserve runner: Broose

Mission Burrito's On a Flippin' Mission: Jan Rasmussen, 3 other mystery runners!

Bath Tourism Plus: Charlotte Taylor, Gemma Sampson, Katie Sandercock, Carly Somerville. Reserve runner: David Jackson.

*If you would like to join as a last minute team, sign up here: and call Scarlett on 07803 924 981 asap!

Fringe Arts Bath FaB