Fringe Arts Bath : 23 May - 7 June 2025

FaB Blog

Bath's Flippin' Pancake Race 2015

A pancake race is being organised in Bath to celebrate Shrove Tuesday. The event, managed by Scarlett Mosnier, a volunteer for Fringe Arts Bath, is set to kick off next to Bath Abbey in Kingston Parade on Tuesday, 17th February.

The event is part of a fundraiser for FoodCycle, a volunteer powered community project which is active throughout the UK that works to 'reduce food poverty and social isolation'.

Children are invited to run the course from 2.30 to 3.30pm for a 50p entry fee, all of which will go towards the charity.

The event for grown-ups kicks off at 3.30pm and teams of four will compete to win a golden frying pan trophy - the entry fee for this is £20, also going to Food Cycle.

The occasion will be followed by National Student Volunteering week from the 23rd February to the 1st March, which Scarlett, who is also Student Engagement Officer at Bath College is encouraging students to participate in.

For more information or to enter a team please visit

Story: Bianca Valentine

Bianca is a Media student at City of Bath College, huge thanks from Team FaB for writing this article for us!

Follow these links to find out more about FoodCycle, charity no 1134423, National Student Volunteering Week, City of Bath College.

Fringe Arts Bath FaB